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We have created the best and most fun digitized whot card game to be enjoyed anywhere and at any time the craving comes to connect with your childhood and relive all your fun moments, with certain twists. Enjoy our gift to you and click on the download button compatible to your device

Love, Whot Africa

WhotAfrica is your favourite mobile card game, that lets you play “Whot,” online, and offline, and win cash prizes from the comfort of your phone.

The app was launched in January, 2020, as a way to integrate the physical whot card game online. It was also created to connect individuals and friends to one another allowing them to relive their favorite memories together all over again. To add to all of this, it also allows users to play Whot on their mobile devices and win money, and other prizes on it!


How to start the game?

To start a game, click the cut the deck button on the table. The player that cuts the lowest card, starts the game.

How to use play with friends?

To play with friends, select bet amount and game type.
Click on the share icon and share the code to your friends.
Click create and wait on the board for your friends to join.
Do not leave board while friends are joining for game to work.